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While financial advisors generally manage wealth, as a money coach and mentor, I provide the education and guidance my clients need to build wealth. I help my clients understand the basics of personal money management and how emotions and behavior can and do affect their saving and investing decisions – and, ultimately, their ability to achieve financial independence. In the end, my goal is to empower my clients to make informed money decisions on their own. I help them develop the skills they need to “steer the ship” and “stay on course.”

As a money coach and mentor, I do not prepare long, complicated, static, and emotionless financial plans for my clients. Rather, I serve as a kind and reliable source of guidance and support for my clients as they prepare for and make (as we all must) difficult, meaningful money decisions in the ever-changing landscape that is life.

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I provide unbiased, conflict-free money coaching and mentoring services for an hourly fee. I am not a financial advisor. I am not licensed and registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which regulates the financial services industry. I do not manage investments or sell investment products or insurance.
Acknowledgement-If you are interested in a paid coaching session, let’s first set up a complimentary 10-minute phone call to discuss your current situation and needs. Should you decide to continue the conversation, you will be charged $150 for up to an additional 50 minutes. Additional retainer options are available upon request.